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about me

Danièle Perrier studied art history, archaeology, philosophy and Romance languages and literature at the universities of Basle and Vienna. 1979 PhD. 1979 - 1982 research at the Austrian Academy of Science in Vienna, and at the same time expert for sculpture at the auction house Gallery Koller, Zurich and later at the insurance company Nordstern, Vienna. 1986 - 1989 assistant to the manager at Gallery Krinzinger, Vienna. 1989 - 1990 curator at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Fribourg where she realized her first major exhibition Vienna at the search of Eden. 1991 - 1996 founding director of the Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Koblenz dedicated to French Art after 1945. Here she rouse around 20 exhibitions, under the most important were Atelier de France and Atelier de la rue, Product of Choreh Feyzdjou and Klangskulpturen – Augenmusik. 1996 - 1999 visiting lecturer of modern and contemporary art at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz. Since 1999 co-operation with the Institute for Media-Communication (IMK) of the GMD, now Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Sankt Augustin. Since August 1999 till June 2012 director of the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Bad Ems where she was responsible for the program and realization of all activities regarding the institution and the scholarship holders. Here she dared an experimental style beginning 2002 with the integration of Media Art with the presentation of Steadicam, a video-installation by Wiebke Grösch/Frank Metzger and 2003 with the realization of the media art congress BEM (Bad Emser Medienkunsttage) - dedicated to artists and scientists to debate about the impact of new technologies on art and social life - up to the BALMORALE in 2012, an exhibition resulting from a workshop with students of the Academies of Mainz and Saarbrücken.

From 2001-2004 she was co-ordinator for Germany of the Pépinières Européennes pour jeunes artistes which helped to raise the residency to an international level.

Since 2013 she was vicepresident of AICA Germany and from November 2016 until March 2023 its president. She managed to change the statutes of the association in order to be recongnized as non-profit organisation of common interest. 2019 she organised the congress of AICA International in Cologne and Berlin Art criticism in Times of Populism and Nationalism in cooperation with the German National Cultural Foundation. (s. In 2021, she (co-)published the proceedings of the congress in German and English as an online publication and BoD, which can be found in German at and in English at On the occasion of the congress, AICA International awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to Walter Grasskamp at the suggestion of AICA Germany, which is linked to the publication of selected texts in English. Perrier was the editor of the German online version "Walter Grasskamp Ein Engel verschwindet" and co-editor of the English version, "Walter Grasskamps An angel disappears", published by les presses du réel, Dijon. In 2022, she organised the conference Kunstkritik in Ost und West - Eine deutsch-deutsche Geschichte, which took place at the Albertinum in Dresden. Together with her colleague, Gerd Korinthenberg, she campaigned for the establishment of an AICA Prize for Young Art Critics, a prize that will be awarded for the first time in 2024 thanks to the support of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen Halbach Foundation.
She speaks five languages, French and German as mother tongue, English and Italien business fluent and Spanish spoken.

Her main research interests are: French art, kinetic art, design and architecture; sound and sculpture, time and space; art and techniques; art and media art.

main publications

Editor of all catalogues of the Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Koblenz from 1992-1996. 1999-2004 Co-editor, then editor of the yearbooks of Künstlerhauses Schloß Balmoral with catalogues of all Balmoral fellows and those of Rhineland-Palatinate in diffeent languages. Numerous catalogue texts and essays on kinetic art, the impact of new technologies on art and society, the body and performances in the art of the 20th century, essays on artists as Anne and Patric Poirier, Neringa Naujokaite. Full Listing

personal data sheet

  • Education

    09.1962-07.1966 Ecole supérieure de commerce pour jeunes filles, Fribourg 1966 Baccalauréat ès sciences commerciales 06.1967-12.1967 Stay in the United States of America 04.1968-09.1974 Stu...

  • Employment history

    actually freelance author, curator and art advisor since 2011 initiator of the concert series B.E.N.K (Bad Emser Neue Klänge) dedicated to contemporary classic music organized with the Staatsorche...

  • Memberships

    2013- Vicepresident of AICA Germany 2011- MPRA Honorary Advisory Board, International Artist in Residence Programme in Poznan, Polen 2001-2008 Advisory Board of the SWR Galerie, Stuttgart 2001-2004...